Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Heart of a Con: Summary & Reactions

1) Please write a 50-word summary of "The Heart of a Con" (what happened, who did what). Remember to only write the most important things. Page 1 of the story is here:
Please contact me if you want to read the whole story.

2) Also be ready to discuss (you don't need to write it) why people did what they did and your opinion of each person. Do you agree with Dr. Rogers? If Billy was your son, would you want Jack Kelsey to come work in your house? Why/why not?

Have you read stories like this in Chinese? Do you think this story is believable? Did you learn anything from it? Would this kind of story be OK for high school students, or do you think it's unhealthy? Please leave some comments below.

Here is a mind map showing the relationships between the characters in the story:

Mind map for characters in "The Heart of a Con"


  1. I thought Dr. Rogers took a big risk to let Kelsey returning to normal life based on his professional judgment. Finally he succeed in this stake.
    In fact, Love really can soften man's heart and leading to the right way.

  2. Summary: Dr. Rogers believes Jack(the convict) can be rehabilitated. Jack makes a good relationship with Billy- the Warden’s son. In order to save Billy, he threatens the heart specialist. Rogers teaches Jack “violence never solves problems”. At the same time, we understand that every doctor must obey the “Hippocratic Oath”.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree to Daniel. By the way I think “every kinds of work must have their basic moral “and “violence never solves problems”.
    I had ever been a counselor in the Military, I knew that “to lead a soldier must to understand his heart”. This is the best way he will obey your command completely.
    I think Dr. Rogers had did it, so everyone would trust him.

  5. Summary:
    Jack Kelsey was the most incorrigible convict in Blakely Penitentiary but the prison psychiatrist Dr. Tom Rogers recommend him to be Warden Kent's trusty.
    Dr. Rogers had figured that the Warden Kent's son Billy is the key to corrected Kelsey's wrong and break down Kelsey's resistance returned to a normal useful life.

    We often look at one thing or a person from one side or surface and usually ignore the fact behind.
    We should remind ourself always try to look out from difference or deep side before doing something or treat to someone.

  6. I really appreciate the quality of the comments you have made so far. They show that you are really thinking about the story, not just repeating the bare facts of who did what how and when.

    For the rest of the class: Please don't worry about writing beautiful error-free English (I'll help you with common problems). Thinking and presenting your ideas is more important. I hope I can see more comments soon.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Summary -
    After reviewing Kelsey’s file, Dr. Rogers realized the reason why Kelsey was arrested. Only kind people will do such things like that, so Dr. Rogers wants to help him and takes a chance on using warder’s son. Love can warm people’s hearts then can even solve things and problems sometimes.

    Feedback –
    This story taught us that try to find out things and people from its essences and deep hearts, not only see the surface like warder Kent.

  9. Dr. Rogers think Jack can be rehabilitated and Jack can return to a normal life as the foundation. He can make a good relationship with Billy (Warden’s son).
    Dr. Rogers believes Jack will know that violence never solves problems.
    Dr. Rogers know love really can be mark someone better and can to do something.

  10. Jack Kelsey is a terror criminals, and Dr. Rogers is a psychiatrist. He is a smart man, he knows Billy can change Jack Kelsey about something. Dr. Rogers believes that love can be everying. Finally, Jack Kelsey have a normal life because of Dr. Rogers's believe him.

  11. The person of each crime all probably has already could not see weak and docile of another one ,doing anything will also have his reason the person who have would like to believe that the some persons are to hate bitterly.
    Only the crim person knows th fact by himself.

  12. The "Hippocratic Oath" which every doctor must follow. If you had told the surgeon the real circumstances, he would have performed the operation! The Dr.Rogers help the Jack Kelsey to know that violence never solves problems. There is an honest way out of every situation. He help the Jack Kelsey find his mind and have a normal life.

  13. I'm really very sorry about that I didn't make a comment here, tell the truth, when I first time recieve the story, I really don't like it, because there are many hard words to me, then, I gave up. But this week, I read this story again and again, first time, I still didn't know what it mean. but when I read second time, I understand a little about this story, third time let me know, what's happened to the man. I make a big mistakes. hope it's not too late.

  14. I think everyone probably make mistakes, like Jack Kelsey, we need give them chance to let them show they are not bad. and love is a great power to soften a person.
