1. Intransitive verbs (V-) have no object 受詞、賓語
(in+trans+itive; in = NOT, trans = across 不及物)
In English, most declarative sentences (陳述句、敘事句) are made of two parts: a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP): Puppies yap.
In Puppies yap, the NP Puppies is the subject (主語)and the VP yap is the predicate (謂語)
2. Monotransitive verbs (V+) have one object. The verb phrase in this sentence includes one object: Ruth dislikes dogs.
Ruth dislikes dogs (syntax tree) |
The NP Ruth is the subject (主語)and the VP dislikes dogs is the predicate (謂語). dogs is the object of the verb dislikes.
3. Ditransitive verbs (V++) have two objects. Because it is directly affected by the verb, a long story is the direct object (直接受詞)of told; the children is the indirect object (間接受詞): Grandpa told the children a long story.
Grandpa told the children a long story (syntax tree) |
Read the sentences below and try making your own syntax trees with phpSyntaxTree. You can see the answers if you click on Read more.
1 My husband snores very loudly
2 The baby
cried in his room
3 They gave me a free iPad
4 I made you a birthday cake
5 The dog found a ball
5 The dog found a ball
1 My husband snores very loudly (syntax tree)
2 The baby
cried in his room (syntax tree)
3 They gave me a free iPad (syntax tree)
4 I made you a birthday cake (syntax tree) |
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