Saturday, May 19, 2012

Verb Types 1--Intransitive, Monotransitive, Ditransitive

There are several types of verbs in English. Linguists use different names and short forms for these verb types. Here are the names I prefer to use:

1. Intransitive verbs (V-) have no object 受詞、賓語
(in+trans+itive; in = NOT, trans = across 不及物)

In English, most declarative sentences (陳述句、敘事句) are made of two parts: a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP): Puppies yap.

Puppies yap (syntax tree)
In Puppies yap, the NP Puppies is the subject (主語)and the VP yap is the predicate (謂語)

2. Monotransitive verbs (V+) have one object. The verb phrase in this sentence includes one object: Ruth dislikes dogs.

Ruth dislikes dogs (syntax tree)

The NP Ruth is the subject (主語)and the VP dislikes dogs is the predicate (謂語). dogs is the object of the verb dislikes.

3. Ditransitive verbs (V++) have two objects. Because it is directly affected by the verb, a long story is the direct object (直接受詞)of told; the children is the indirect object (間接受詞): Grandpa told the children a long story.

Grandpa told the children a long story (syntax tree)

Read the sentences below and try making your own syntax trees with phpSyntaxTree. You can see the answers if you click on Read more.

1 My husband snores very loudly

2 The baby cried in his room

3 They gave me a free iPad

4 I made you a birthday cake

5 The dog found a ball

1 My husband snores very loudly (syntax tree)

2 The baby cried in his room (syntax tree)

3 They gave me a free iPad (syntax tree)

4 I made you a birthday cake (syntax tree)

5 The dog found a ball (syntax tree)

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