Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Make my day!"

.44 Magnum bullets are very big (from Wikipedia:
"Make my day!" is a famous sentence from Sudden Impact, a movie with Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood plays Harry Callahan (nickname "Dirty Harry"), a policeman who shoots a gang of bad guys in a small restaurant. One of the robbers grabs a waitress, holds his gun near her head, and dares Harry to shoot. Harry says "Go ahead, make my day!" He means "if you try to hurt this woman, I will be happy to shoot you!"

Harry's big gun, a .44 magnum made by the Smith & Wesson company, became very famous because of this movie. Many Americans think that the police are too nice with criminals, so they enjoy watching Dirty Harry kill bad guys (real policemen rarely do such things because they would lose their jobs and maybe go to jail). Click below to see a 3-minute video clip (with all the words).

All right, folks.
You did real good with that cop!
Now, I want everything. Money, watches, rings, everything!
Quick! Move!
Come with me. We're going to have us a little party!
What are you doing, you pig-head sucker?
Every day for the last 10 years, Loretta gives me a black coffee.
Today she gives me a black coffee, but with sugar in it.
A lot of sugar.
I just came back to complain.
Now, you boys put those guns down.
Say what?
We're not just going to let you walk out of here.
Who is "we," sucker?
Smith and Wesson...
...and me.
Go ahead...
...make my day.
Call D'Ambrosia in the D.A.'s office, ask him if coffee is psychic.

If the video below doesn't work, here is another link (2' 37")

When Dirty Harry first comes in please notice:

1) All of the customers have their heads down. Nobody looks at the policeman. Why?

2) The waitress puts sugar in the coffee cup. How much? Why?

3) Some people don't like this movie because Dirty Harry is too violent. What do you think?

Please talk about this video clip in your comments.


  1. 1. I think they must be warned, so they couldn’t do anything.
    2. A lot of. She wanted to talk to the policeman by her eyes but he didn’t look at her, so she puts the sugar in the coffee. She knew that when he drink the SWEET coffee( different from as same as the past ten years), he must feel strange and realize something happened.
    3. This is the typical Hollywood hero film. One policeman shot four armed criminals and didn’t hurt. It is impossible.
    However I like Clint Eastwood very much. I never ever forget the movie he played "The Bridges of Madison County". It is one of my favorite Hollywood movie.

    1. The warning came before she served the coffee, so "they must HAVE BEEN warned"

  2. 1.Those customers must be threatened to do nothing. Because, someone watched behind them. Even the waitress and chief looked uneasy at that time.
    2.She added sugar in the coffee continually and watching the man. she tried to passing through some information to the man. But he was reading his newspaper and felting nothing. Until he drank the sweetest coffee.
    3.It was just a movie. Maybe the director tried to reflect some dislike in his mind. When the man said: "Make my day" these words just satisfied many people's wishes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1)Because the robbers are staring at them and watching every movement they try to do.

    2) The waitress puts lots of sugar in the coffee cup, because she tried to catch Dirty Harry's attention. All the time Harry used to drink black coffee which made by Loretta. but today, he awares something different from usual, because he found Loretta put lots of suger in his black, that was very unusual. so he came back to check what's going on.

    3) I think Dirty Harry is cool, punish criminals in his own way without following the police rules. If I'm a police officer, I'd do things just like him.

    1. "If I'm a police officer, I'd do things just like him."
      If I WAS a police officer...

      Yes, fantasy feels satisfying, but ...

  5. 1.My opinion is that, the robbers were right next to them and they were worried about their own safety.

    2. She put a lot of sugar in the coffee to alert him that there was something fishy going on in the restaurant, as she had been serving dirty harry coffee without sugar for the past 10 years and by doing so, she was hoping harry to suspect something.

    3.I think harry is awesome and he was a very good sharpshooter.

  6. I get into the " Dirty Harry " website by Wikipedia. I am disappointed, there are twenty-five versions but exclusive of Chinese version( Chinese is one of the most important language in the world). However I know a little about the film. It was produced in 1971(wow I was born in 1970), and followed by four sequels. It's budget was $4 millions but box office up to $35 million. I want to see them during summer vacation.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Don't be disappointed. If you see a problem, you can write for Wikipedia, too! Nobody checks to see if you have a license to edit an article (which can be a problem ;-)

  7. 1) All of the customers have their heads down. Nobody looks at the policeman. Why?

    Because they are afraid of those robbers in the restaurant and scared to get hurt or get killed by those robbers.

    2) The waitress puts sugar in the coffee cup. How much? Why?

    The waitress puts a lot of sugar in the coffee cup. Because she want to hint the policeman there is a serious situation here and hope he'll come back after he drunk the coffee.

    3) Some people don't like this movie because Dirty Harry is too violent. What do you think?

    In this case shall we said Dirty Harry is too violent? If he didn't shoots the gang of bad guys in the restaurant. What will going to be in the end? I think force can be used on the bad guy in order to prevent crime and harm to innocent people. It can not said that is too violent when force used on the right way.

  8. 1. They scared to say something to help, afraid of robbers hurt them.

    2. The waitress to imply that the police, they are at risk, so the police will come back to the store theory.

    3.Dirty Harry played too exaggerated, he said shot technology a good.

  9. 1.Because they know that criminals are here, so they are afraid to speak.
    2.The waitress deliberately sugar plus a lot of hope that the police can get attention and look at him, so the police to find that there are criminals.
    3.I think the police veteran, unruffled face of danger, when he found that the sugar back off to see the surrounding environment, can also be an immediate response, and the person to enter a hazardous environment to solve the criminals, this is how much hands-on experience experienceto accumulate.

  10. Teacher~~~you make my day during last weekend.
    I really enjoy the class~~~~~

    1. Peyyi, you made *MY* day as well. The enthusiasm shown by you and your classmates was tremendously encouraging. This is one of the best ways to learn: enjoy what you're doing.
